Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Intentions

I'm trying to take Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s challenge and turn my intentions into my reality. As with everything I do, I have to over think this. You would think by now that with all my thinking I would become good at it, but alas, such is not the case. If anything, the more I think, the less my thoughts make any sense, at least to me anyway.

WEEK 1: Connecting to Intention
So here I am at the very beginning of the challenge stuck at the gate. In order for my intentions to become reality, I have to actually INTEND something. What are my intentions?

I figure I may as well start with the Note for some good ideas. Sounds reasonable, right? Big mistake. I tried to read through the 1,448 comments that were made to his note, but like many Facebook notes, most of his respondents lack the decency to write something meaningful, instead preferring to clutter the page with comments such as “Thanks very much” and “The world is a better place because of you”, as if that is supposed to help anyone.

Perhaps I should intend to stop thinking everything is about me.
Nah, that doesn’t work for me.

I jokingly wrote my sister (who invited me to the challenge) and said my intention was to “rule the world”. As much as I would love to rule the entire world (and would be great at it if I so desired), I think that would be quite lonely and would take a lot of work on my part. To make matters worse, once I became Absolute Ruler of the Galaxy, what would I strive for? Plus, people who try to rule even a small corner of the world usually end up being people I despise such as Madass Insane (Saddam Hussein) and Momar Needstodie Khadafi. I hate to speak ill of the dead and I don't like to wish the living ill, but Saddam had to go and I would love for Khadafi to share a scalping cup of bad coffee in Hell with him.

Nah, Ruler of the Universe doesn’t work for me.

There should be a Week 0. Week Oh: State your intention.
I intend to …
- Become as powerful a force in the world as I can become, without having to work too hard at it.
- Become super rich, without having to sell anything or do anything.
- Be healthy, without having to watch what I eat, exercise regularly, or get enough sleep.
- Be loved by everyone, without actually having to interact with anyone on a regular basis.
- Be the smartest person alive, without having to read anything or listen to those who know more.
- Grow another 3 meters taller.

Wait a minute. I’m stuck. That last one is just a dream. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to grow anymore. I stopped growing when I almost hit 5’4”. I’ve been working so hard trying to grow another ¼ inch that I’ve neglected to grow in other directions, well except for my waist and other parts of my body I wish would shrink.

I have figured out my intentions:

I intend to grow in a positive direction.

I intend to let go of those things which I know are unattainable and instead work on those things which are. I’m never going to be 19 again. 19 was such a wonderful year. I’ve had better years (such as every year since my son was born!) but 19 was so great that Steely Dan wrote a song about it. I’m going to make 48 so great that I’ll want to write my own song about it.

I’m not going to rule the world, but I can rule my life.

I may or may not become super rich, but I can earn more money, invest more wisely, and protect my assets. I can make better choices. I intend to take control of my financial well-being.

I can have a better body today than I did at 26, and I had an awesome body at 26. I know everything I knew back then plus I’ve learned a lot since then. The only thing that has changed is my desire, so now I just have to want it. I have to change my intentions and intend to be in great shape. I intend to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Those are huge intentions. I’m up to it.

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