Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Books I Didn't Write (but should have)

My previous goals were to START a book but now my goal is to FINISH a book. In no particular order, these are the ones I'm leaving behind to FINISH the one I'm working on.

"The Economics of Irrational Thought and Illogical Reasoning"

"Outright Lies and Foolish Dares"

"Half-truths and Outright Perjury"

"The Logical Way of Putting It From the Republican Side"

"Evolution of Warfare"

"An Introduction to Information Warfare"

"I'd Rather Be Me Than Reasonable"

"Flowers in the Middle of Shit"

"There Are Some Things That Even Satan Wouldn't Do"

"Pretending to Be Interested in Others"

"Lessons From An Idiot"

"I Was So Very Small" (My feeble attempt at poetry. Be thankful I quit without sharing.)


  1. I vote for the first one.

  2. Right up there with my encyclopedia of excuses... and the procrastinators guide to life...

  3. #4 is something David Sr. likes to say when he thinks he's insulting me.
