Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 7. I Was Not Built to Break

Today marks the end of my first week on this journey. When I started it I didn't think I would make 3-days because "hope" is only a four-letter word and I had no idea how much I had to learn about the subject. I could turn what I've learned this week into a semester-long course and still not dent the surface.

Yesterday I was feeling rather bad about many things and as usual my feeling bad turned into feeling guilty.

We're not where we want to be physically ... we'd rather be in Virginia sitting in my Mom's kitchen drinking hot chocolate with my Dad and looking at the snow out the windows.

We're not where we want to be financially, still trying to recover from investing our life savings into David Bear then building them up again only to have them all stolen from a shady lender out of Florida and losing the rest to a Developer whose great intentions caused him to lose focus and lose millions.

We're not where we want to be emotionally, wasting too much energy on trying to get where we want to be physically and financially.

My bad feelings turn to guilt because then I remember that we're not at Children's Hospital, Hoag Hospital, or Fountain Valley Hospital dealing with a health emergency.

My bad feelings turn to guilt because I remember that 30-years after the doctors gave my Dad 30-days to live, I can still pick up the phone to call him ... so I do.

My bad feelings turn to guilt because I remember where we are trying to go, who we are trying to save and what really matters ... a continent, a country, a child.

David Sr. must have sensed that I was feeling bad for he called me downstairs just to hear a video. Hopefully I'm not violating any laws by sharing this with you. I encourage you all to go buy the latest work from one of my favorite female artists and help celebrate her return to us.

Whitney Houston: I Didn't Know My Own Strength

My sorrow turned to joy because I remembered that I have so many people who love me despite my many flaws that I should never be sad.

I'm hopeful for the next week, the next month, and beyond. I am hopeful for my son and his friends for despite being in Orange County, there is so much love that crossed racial and religious barriers that I know the world is better today than yesterday. I am hopeful for the world because there is so much hope in even the darkest corner of the world that light shines through.

Thank you for staying with me thus far.


  1. And still I rise... Happy holidays Roziers- I love you much Howard Oliver

  2. Hello Prodigal Son! When will we see you again? Hugs and kisses from me and the Davids and tell your Mom/ sis/ and Aris hello from us all.

    Merry Christmas and if you don't get here soon, Bear will be as tall as you!
